27 February 2012

the girls and i go to swimming on saturday and wait between each lesson...
they have little wooden chairs. why is it that crocs always look too big or too small!

my phone keeps them in occupied and happy to be still.

its starting to warm up so Meg and I had lunch at Flatford Mill.
This is the view of the lock looking upstream towards the thatched cottage.

These are done with a lamy fountain pen with Noodlers ink and
a Pentel brush pen loaded with diluted indian ink.
I have another pentel loaded with water to wash or wet paper.
Portable and very quick. All done in under 5 mins.

This pretty much sums up my objective as an artist;

"Perhaps we find sketches so attractive only because, being somewhat indeterminate,
they allow more liberty to our imagination, which sees in them whatever it likes."

Denis Diderot quoted in Petheridge, The Primacy of Drawing, 2010

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